Acorns of Accolades

Fall Planning = Maximized 2024 Enjoyment!

Summer ’23 is in the rearview mirror, yet next season still seems lightyears away, which has us fooled into thinking that Winter is the season of waiting…but when it comes to Your Kitchen Outdoors, Winter is the season of PLANNING.

Starting the Urban Bonfire design process through November-January allows for more options, better design compatibility, smoother Spring installation, and, quite possibly, a lower price than purchasing later in the season — Beat those common 1st quarter price hikes!

The timeline below illustrates the risk of starting the planning process after Spring is already upon us.

With the design process taking a conservative 2 weeks, and production another 6, plus shipping time, installation, delivery and installation of other appliances/countertop, gas & electrical hook-up…etc.
Many key holidays and prime outdoor gathering time is missed, further delaying full use to 2025 and beyond.

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