Acorns of Accolades

Shady Oak Considers Replacing Sales Personnel with AI

Image credit: Mads Mohr via LinkedIn

Mike Flahaven and the AI Showdown at Shady Oak

Mike Flahaven, the seasoned sales veteran with a 20-year tenured position at Shady Oak, had seen it all. From convincing reluctant homeowners to invest in range hoods to sweet-talking architects into specifying Vent-A-Hood products, Mike was the go-to guy for all things kitchen ventilation. But little did he know that his world was about to collide with the digital realm.

The Software Update

One sunny morning, as Mike sipped his coffee and admired the dew-kissed grass outside his north suburban home office window, his computer chimed. A software update notification popped up, promising exciting new features. Curious, Mike clicked “Install” without a second thought. After all, what harm could a little update do?

AI Unleashed

The installation completed, and Mike’s screen flickered to life. An AI tutorial greeted him, promising to revolutionize his sales game. Mike chuckled. “Sure, AI,” he thought, “but can you close a deal with a smile and a firm handshake?”

Stump the Salesman

Mike decided to put AI to the ultimate test. He typed in the age-old question: “Why should someone own a range hood?” The cursor blinked, and within seconds, the answer appeared:

Installing a range hood is essential for maintaining good air quality in the kitchen. It functions to remove smoke, odors, heat, and airborne grease, which can be harmful if inhaled. A range hood also helps in reducing the growth of bacteria and mold, making the kitchen a safer and more comfortable place to cook and gather. Moreover, it can prevent long-term damage to walls and cabinets by filtering out the grease and moisture that typically accompany cooking. For these reasons, a range hood is a valuable addition to any kitchen, contributing to both the health of the home environment and the comfort of those within it.

The Revelation

Mike was impressed. “Not bad, AI. Not bad at all,” he thought. And then it hit him. The simplicity of the statement. The elegance of logic. AI had distilled the essence of range hoods into a single, digestible statement. Mike’s mind raced. Vent-A-Hood’s Magic Lung filtration system—efficient, reliable, and practically magical—aligned perfectly with AI’s matter-of-fact wisdom.

The Email to Executives

Mike wasted no time. He fired off an email to Shady Oak’s top brass, subject line: “AI Knows Best.” In concise bullet points, he laid out the case: AI’s insight, Vent-A-Hood’s prowess, and the potential for a sales revolution. The executives blinked at their screens, then exchanged impressed glances.

The Verdict

Within hours, the decision was made. Shady Oak would embrace AI. ShadyBot 3000, as they affectionately referred to it, would replace Mike’s human touch, saving the company billions, if not gazillions, in staffing expenses. To Mike’s complete and utter shock, he had played an integral role in his own professional demise. Machine: 1, Man: 0.

Man vs. Machine: Round 2

In a panicked effort to regain the upper hand, Mike returned to the source that got him into the hot seat to begin with and posed this precarious question to AI:

Why are salespeople better than AI?

Salespeople bring a personal touch to customer interactions that AI currently cannot replicate. They excel at building relationships, understanding complex customer emotions, and providing personalized experiences that foster loyalty and satisfaction. Moreover, salespeople can adapt to unpredictable situations and provide creative solutions, leveraging their intuition and experience in ways that AI, as of now, is not equipped to do. While AI can enhance productivity by handling repetitive tasks, the human element that salespeople provide is invaluable for establishing trust and long-term customer relationships.


Fortunately for Mike, this point proved helpful in dissuading the Executives from downsizing — Melinda and Sheridian can now rest easy — but notice the dubious use of the words, “currently” and “as of now,” which twist AI’s seemingly supportive stance of human-to-human interaction into a rather backhanded one.

The Final Twist

While Mike, Sheridian, and Melinda thank their lucky stars that their cushy sales positions at Shady Oak are secure, as of now, the creative team (comprised of just one person, in particular) is now feeling the pressure to perform, as the credit for this blog post is almost entirely due to AI… dun dun duuuuuunnn… and the saga continues…

Disclaimer: Based on an actual email exchange between Mike and Shady Oak’s “top brass.” No [human] jobs were lost, or in jeopardy, in the making of this very clever blog post… as of now. In all seriousness, please don’t replace your sales team with robots without consulting your HR department.

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